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The Best 4 Cleaning Methods For Upholstered Furniture

24 May 2023


  1. The Best Ways to Clean Upholstered Furniture
  2. Simple yet Effective Cleaning Tools
  3. How to Clean Specific Types of Spills

Cleaning upholstered furniture can be challenging due to fabrics soaking up liquids and stains. Fortunately, effective cleaning methods and tools make the job easier.

The Best Four Cleaning Methods For Upholstered Furniture In 2022

The Best Ways to Clean Upholstered Furniture

Dry Cleaning: This common professional cleaning method uses dry-cleaning solvents to remove dirt and stains from upholstery fabric.

Steam Cleaning involves applying steam and hot water under pressure to lift dirt, oils, and stains from fabric. Steam cleaning is effective for heavily soiled upholstery.

Upholstery Shampoo: Using an upholstery shampoo mixed with water, you work the soapy solution into the fabric to lift dirt and absorb stains. The shampoo is removed by vacuum cleaning or blotting with towels.

Vacuuming: Regular vacuuming removes surface dust, hair, and debris that can cause upholstery to wear out prematurely. Vacuuming before and after other cleaning methods is recommended.

    Simple yet Effective Cleaning Tools

    Vinegar and Water Solution: Mix white vinegar with one part of the water and apply the solution to stained areas using a damp cloth or sponge. The acid in the vinegar lifts stains as the water rinses away residue.

    Microfiber Cloths: These specialized cloths are highly effective at absorbing liquids and picking up particles from the fabric. Use damp microfiber cloths to wipe down and clean upholstery.

    Dish Soap: For grease or oil stains, apply a small amount of liquid dish detergent directly to the stain and work the soapy solution into the fabric using an old cloth or brush. Remove soap residue by blotting with a towel and rinsing with clean water.

    Baking Soda: Sprinkle baking soda on the upholstery and let it sit for about 15 minutes. The baking soda absorbs odors as it lifts dirt and dust. Vacuum thoroughly after use.

    The Best Four Cleaning Methods For Upholstered Furniture In 2022

    How to Clean Specific Types of Spills

    Coffee, Tea, or Juice: Blot up excess liquid immediately. Then, saturate a clean white cloth with the vinegar and water solution and blot the stain. Vacuum between blotting and reapply the mixture as needed.

    • Grease or Oil

    Apply dish soap directly to the stain and work it in using an old toothbrush or cloth.

    Blot the excess soap and rinse the area with vinegar and water.

    Vacuum the cleaning residue when finished.

    Cat or Dog Urine: Blot up excess liquid immediately. Then, sprinkle baking soda or salt over the wet area and let sit for at least 15 minutes. Vacuum thoroughly, then blot the area with the vinegar and water solution.

    • Cosmetics

    Use a microfiber cloth dampened with vinegar, water, or dish soap to gently blot the stain.

    Reapply the solution as needed and blot gently until the stain comes out.

    Rinse with clean water.

    The Best Four Cleaning Methods For Upholstered Furniture In 2022

    With regular vacuuming and immediate attention to spills, your upholstered furniture should look fresh for years. And when deep cleaning is needed, stick to natural ingredients and simple tools that do the least damage to the fabric over time. With a little TLC, your upholstered furniture will last!

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